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When it comes to promoting and representing your organisation, corporate headshots of your team are a vital part of your brand image. Whether for your website, social media, or other marketing materials, a professional headshot speaks volumes about your company’s character and professionalism.

But remember – corporate does not have to be predicatable, stuffy and boring. Far from it – the objective is to create something that perfectly captures the character, tone and personality of the people that go to make up your business.

With that in mind, here are the 10 Commandments to help you achieve headshots of you and your team that strike the right chord:

A cute pug dog posing for a corporate headshots

Thou Shalt Hire a Professional Photographer

This should go without saying. It is the only way to guarantee shots that are consistent, well lit, appropriately directed and of a high enough quality to be properly useable. Do not scrimp on this no matter how good your iPhone camera is. (Psst – we recommend Soora Corporate Headshots for the job, they’re brilliant).

Thou Shalt Understand Thy Brand

Basically, your headshots should reflect your company’s personality 100%. A law firm might opt for classic, slightly formal portraits, while a creative agency may choose something more dynamic and relaxed. Match the style of your photos to your brand identity. If your company doesn’t have a personality in the first place, talk to us.

Thou Shalt Choose a Consistent Style

Uniformity across your headshots creates a professional appearance and one that shouts togetherness. Get your background consistent style-wise, your lighting in sync, and framing that works for everyone, and stick to it. This is where your professional headshot photographer is essential because this is what you are paying for them to police.

Thou Shalt Pick the Perfect Location

Whether it’s in your office, a photographic studio, or outdoors, your choice of location should complement your brand as much as possible. Neutral or branded backdrops can work but might look a bit bland sometimes – but don’t make the background so busy that it distracts from the focus on the subject – ie. you or your team member.

Thou Shalt Dress the Part

Think about what you’ll be wearing in advance. Again, maybe give some guidance on dress code to your team too – perhaps suggest they bring in a couple of outfits for a few different looks. Normally these will be outfits that align with your brand’s image (smart, cool, fun, casual, workplace, whatever) but just make sure everyone’s on the same page before you start.

Thou Shalt Prepare Ahead of Time

Crucial. Let people know when and where the shoot will take place in good time to allow time for preparation. And making yourself presentable will ensure better results of course – but you’d be surprised how many people think ‘This’ll do”. Comb that hair, polish those nails, iron that shirt, shave, get a good night’s sleep the night before – this all makes a significant difference to the final result. This handy little crib sheet should help.

Thou Shalt Be Mindful of Lighting

Almost (almost) the most important thing. Good lighting is critical to a good outcome. Natural light can create a softer, approachable look but can change during the course of a shoot thus making things look inconsistent. Studio lighting – or professional photo lighting on location – gives you precision and control. Discuss these options with your photographer in advance for the best results here. Oh, by the way, did we mention we know a great photographer for this type of work?

Thou Shalt Showcase Individuality

Each to their own. While consistency is key, try to allow each team member’s personality to shine through. Encourage expressions and poses that look authentic while fitting in with the overall professional tone of the shoot. This should strike that careful balance between photos of individuals that feel both unified and uniquely personal.

Thou Shalt Not Overedit

It’s tempting to go a bit overboard here, especially with today’s filters. While a touch of PhotoShop can enhance an image, overdoing it can make headshots look unnatural and fake – is that something you want people to associate with you or your business? A bit of subtle retouching to remove blemishes or stray hairs is OK, and maybe brightening your overall look – but preserve the authenticity of the image.

Thou Shalt Regularly Update Headshots

Look, we all age and faces change over time. Embrace it. Better that than look a good 20 years younger than you really are – that either makes you look vain, fake or lazy. We reckon you can get away with three years tops before you should consider updating your corporate headshots. That shirt may have gone out of fashion in that time too.

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