Wouldn’t you really rather know what your customers really think of you?
Wouldn’t you really rather know what your customers really think of you?
Wouldn’t you really rather know what your customers really think of you?
Wouldn’t you really rather know what your customers really think of you?
Should we see AI as a threat or an opportunity? Can it ever effectively replace human craetivity in the marketing space?
There has been a significant rise in the use of educational infographics flooding everyone’s news feed, particularly in response to the Black Lives Matter movement.
A few weeks ago, I thought going viral on TikTok was something that could only be achieved once in a blue moon through sheer luck.
Martin Kempton, a highly experienced Lighting Director and Designer who worked on a range of high-profile shows at the BBC (everything from Eastenders to Top Of The Pops) recently took to Facebook to share his top tips about home lighting for Zoom calls. We could all do with a bit of help in this area, so with his kind permission, we’re sharing them here.